Lesson Overview: Scripture is clear, the battles we face aren’t just physical, they’re spiritual. We need spiritual weapons since we are fighting spiritual battles. This Youth Group Lesson unpacks the importance of the armor of God in getting equipped against the schemes of the enemy.

Bible: Ephesians 6:12; Ephesians 6:13-17; Isaiah 54:17

Bottom Line: When you put on the armor of God, you’re equipped against the enemy’s schemes.

Capture: Grab their attention with an illustration.

  • Illustration/Story: Have you ever noticed that superheroes have the coolest weapons? Thor has his hammer, Captain America has his shield, and don’t even get me started on Ironman’s suit. What’s your favorite superhero weapon? Have your students yell some out from the crowd! Superheroes have weapons because they need to be prepared for their epic battles of good vs. evil.

  • In a spiritual sense, the same is true for you. You are in an epic spiritual battle every day of your life, so it’s important that you go into the battle well prepared!

Connect: Connect them to God’s word.
  • Tension Question: Did you know that God offers you armor for the spiritual battles you face every day? It’s true! Tonight, we’re going to unpack what the armor of God is and how we can wear it in our lives.

  • Scripture: Ephesians 6:12 — Why do we need the armor of God? Because we are in a very real spiritual battle! Every day we fight against rulers, authorities, and dark spiritual forces in heavenly realms...we don’t want to go into those battles unarmed!

Consider: What does this mean for us today?
  • Scripture: Ephesians 6:13-17 — So what are the weapons that God gives us? What is the armor of God? We see it listed in Scripture here, and we’re also told that if we put on this armor, we’ll be able to stand our ground when evil comes against us.

  • First is the the belt of truth. Belts hold everything together — God’s truth does the same thing. When you arm yourself with God’s truth, you’ll be securely held together.

  • Next is the breastplate of righteousness. Breastplates protect some of the most important parts of the body including the heart. God tells us that righteousness does this for us when we fight spiritual battles — we don’t fight with our own righteousness, but with His (2 Corinthians 5:21).

  • The next weapon is for our feet — the gospel of peace. If battles in our lives cause sudden changes, we can pivot in peace knowing that God has our best in mind.

  • The next part of the armor is the shield of faith. When we keep our faith firmly rooted in God, we are shielded from the attacks of the enemy.

  • Next is the helmet of salvation. Helmets protect our heads and minds. We can have peace in our minds, free from anxiety, when we trust in God’s salvation for us.

  • Last is the sword of the Spirit, which is the God’s word. While the rest of the armor will protect you, your sword is what you fight with. God’s word is your weapon.

  • Bottom Line: When you put on the armor of God, you’re equipped against the enemy’s schemes.

Collide: How do we apply this in our lives?
  • Scripture: Isaiah 54:17 — No weapon formed against God’s people will prosper!

  • God loves us and wants us to be ready for the battles that come our way. That’s why He gives us His armor and spiritual weapons to fight!

  • Story: Share about a time you fought a battle in your life with the armor of God.

  • Application: Put God’s armor on in your life this week — you will win your battles!


Call: How do we respond to the message?
  • Altar moment: Tonight, ask God what part of your armor is weak. He wants to strengthen you in every area. Give your battles to God and let Him equip you to win the spiritual battles that you face!

  • Small Group Questions:

    1. What’s your favorite superhero weapon? Why?

    2. What do you think it looks like to put on the armor of God?

    3. Is there part of God’s armor that you struggle to put on? Tell us about it.

    4. What would your life look like if you put on God’s armor to fight your battles?


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